Thursday, June 25, 2009

{1 month}

i still need to send out some birth announcements. please leave a comment and tell me which one(s) is/are your fav. not sure what i'm going to do yet, but hopefully i'll do it soon!

then i took these just the other day...i can't stop!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

little things

my sweet baby is already a month old! i did this photoshoot a while ago to capture the little things. she's already changed so much since then! these were some of my favorites.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

riley & brenda * engagements

with our move and new baby arrival, posting has taken a back seat. but i have been dying to get these up!! we couldn't be more happy with them.

riley and brenda were SO fun to work with...and so photogenic! they captured the pure essence of grunge vs. glam and they looked FABULOUS! thanks again you two, it was so fun to get to know you and capture your love. good luck with the wedding, we're sad to be so far away!